Archive folders based on the modification date of their files using Archiware P5

Recently I was asked if P5 could automatically archive an entire folder based not on the modification of the folder itself, but instead on the modification time of the contents of the folder (files and subdirectories). The goal was to enable a “cold folder” automation that can automatically clean entire projects from storage based on … Continue reading “Archive folders based on the modification date of their files using Archiware P5”

Converting a volume with data on it to a mirrored RAID volume in MacOS X

Since the days of Panther, Apple has included the ability to create and boot from Apple software RAIDs.  Unfortunately, regardless of how you ordered your XServe (RIP) or MacPro or mini server, the system comes with two drives, one with a clean system installed, the other completely empty.  While it is easy to reinstall and … Continue reading “Converting a volume with data on it to a mirrored RAID volume in MacOS X”