Automatically backing up P5 indexes

Much of the truly important index data in Archiware P5 is indeed stored on tape with the data itself.  That said, ancillary information like system licensing, custom metadata and proxies, and configuration settings are often not saved.  While all of this is recoverable in the case of a true disaster, sometimes it is easier to … Continue reading “Automatically backing up P5 indexes”

Alternate P5 preview/metadata automation

In previous articles I’ve shown how to create custom preview generators using Archiware’s scripting engine. In addition to using custom preview and metadata scripts, there is a method of automatically adding these items to any archived asset with P5 Archive by preparing the filesystem appropriately. Lets say we want to archive the file /Volumes/MySAN/Projects/ We … Continue reading “Alternate P5 preview/metadata automation”

Using open source tools to generate more previews in PresSTORE

A while ago, I wrote an article about using qt_tools to generate proxy previews for PresSTORE Archive.  While this solution is relatively simple, because of the toolkit it was relegated solely to Quicktime enabled Mac systems.  It made codec support easy, but also came with its own set of problems. As Linux/Windows becomes more common … Continue reading “Using open source tools to generate more previews in PresSTORE”

Castor, the lovable beaver, is here to help you archive

In a natural extension of the PresSTORE/CatDV work I have been doing, I have written a more unified installer and configuration tool for the scripts on Mac OS X.  The project is called Castor and it has its own page now here on my blog.  Check the page for updates to the scripts or if … Continue reading “Castor, the lovable beaver, is here to help you archive”