Bulk adding choices to Cantemo Portal metadata fields from generic text files

For a while now I’ve been asked if there is an easy way to mass populate metadata fields with a list of choices in Portal. In the back of my mind I thought it would probably be relatively simple to write a simple parser to do this, and I’ve done just that. It can be … Continue reading “Bulk adding choices to Cantemo Portal metadata fields from generic text files”

Creating Cantemo Portal Hierarchy Metadata Field content from external sources

Not too long ago I wrote an article about how to create hierarchical metadata fields using Cantemo’s REST API. Given that this was really more of a “how to” and not a real world use case, I decided that I’d try and tackle a commonly asked for hierarchical field – worldwide location.   The goal … Continue reading “Creating Cantemo Portal Hierarchy Metadata Field content from external sources”

Creating and modifying hierarchical metadata programmatically with Cantemo Portal

As of Cantemo Portal 2.2, we can now create hierarchical metadata fields in the system. Obviously when we have large data sets, this may be uncomfortable to do by hand. Luckily, there is a REST API that allows us to create, delete, and update metadata hierarchies. To get IDs on fields we know are hierarchy … Continue reading “Creating and modifying hierarchical metadata programmatically with Cantemo Portal”

Importing placeholders, items, and files into Cantemo Portal

Often times you will want to use third party tools to create files and related items in Portal rather than uploading, importing from storage, or using an auto-import folder. Here is the process I took which worked in registering both a new element available in a storage as well as adding different shapes to it. … Continue reading “Importing placeholders, items, and files into Cantemo Portal”