Simple script to automate AJA KUMO Routers

I was working on a project this week that is using a multitude of AJA Kumo routers. While the routers themselves are brilliant, the API documentation is less than desirable. After digging through the API example code, I uncovered a great little text dump call that gives me all of the IDs. I’ve put the … Continue reading “Simple script to automate AJA KUMO Routers”

Using Apple iCal to schedule ingest using AJA Kona/Io devices and VTRXchange

While not optimal, sometimes you don’t want to spend the extra money to get a robust tool for doing scheduled ingest from companies like Softron or ToolsOnAir.  I had an inquiry on how you could do this using the free tools that come with AJA hardware after my write up on scheduling the KiPro using … Continue reading “Using Apple iCal to schedule ingest using AJA Kona/Io devices and VTRXchange”

Scheduling KiPro recording using Apple iCal

The pressure towards automation in our industry is a constant which beats at a more rapid pace every day. It is now a part of every broadcast facility on the planet. Whenever there is more to do with less people, scheduling of recorded content can be advantageous. Small market stations often times cannot afford complex … Continue reading “Scheduling KiPro recording using Apple iCal”